Hello, I have two yellow belts and looking for two orange ones. My email is: mozhgan1974@gmail.com

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Kayvan Tourneur
Hello everyone. Does anyone have a junior high red belt they no longer need? If so, may we get it from you. Happy to pay, if need be. Kayvan's parents.
August 29, 2016

Cara Luxton
My son is in L2 and we need a yellow belt with a black stripe. Please email me at Cara.luxton@gmail.com. Thank you!
June 17, 2016

Rory Ziants
We can pass on a white, a junior purple and a junior blue that are no longer needed. Please contact us at wayne AT team42.de // And if my request to Maya below is too late, then we'd like a yellow for next term.
May 26, 2016

Maya Chariandy
hi there we still have those same belts - junior yellow, orange, red, high green (2 thin stripes), and purple. We also have a regular yellow. Surely there's a match out there somewhere:) Skye's Mum, Sophie. smccall@sfu.ca or 604-754-8802.
May 16, 2016

Maya Chariandy
hi there we have junior yellow, orange, red, high green (2 thin stripes), and purple! Surely there's a match out there somewhere:) Skye's Mum, Sophie.
December 1, 2015

Isobel Humphrey
Hi there. We are looking for a JUNIOR GREEN belt. We can pass on a WHITE, a JUNIOR YELLOW, or a STANDARD YELLOW. Thanks, Darryl (Isobels dad)
November 26, 2015

Maya Chariandy
I have a junior green, but it's a HIGH junior green (2 narrow green stripes). That probably won't work! If it does my email is smccall@sfu.ca if you're interested (Skye's Mum, Sophie).

Maya Chariandy
But I do need the standard yellow for Skye! If you still have it let me know. thanks!

alexander bordignon-jones
Belt exchange:We are looking for a solid yellow belt if anyone has one. I've some junior belts so if you are looking for one I may be able to help.
November 24, 2015

alexander bordignon-jones
No brown though, sorry Wayne.

Rory Ziants
I'd like to kickstart a belt exchange as suggested on the Parent Evaluation form. It's a great idea and this is the perfect mechanism to do it. Please leave a short message with what you need (if any), what belts you can offer, and a way to contact you to complete the transaction. All this would, I suggest, be money-free: paying it forward, as it were, to help those who are at a lower level than your student.
November 24, 2015
Rory Ziants