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Powerhouse Admin

What is the "life skills" our black belts learn specifically?

A complete martial arts program should address far more than technique, as martial arts is meant to enhance our LIFE and not only the ability to defend ourselves, or stay fit 

In our black belt program we touch on skills which help kids with coping with many challenges that life usually comes with, so they will find a positive directions in life, and keep themselves safe emotionally and physically   

Life skills is a big subject, in this program however we address:   
  1. Self discipline
  2. Goal setting and planning
  3. Teamwork
  4. Leadesrhip skills
  5. Creativity 
  6. Confidence
  7. Social skills / Ineraction with others
  8. Dealing with peer pressure
  9. Responsibility
  10. Courtesy and Respect
  11. Culture
  12. Personal safety
The 12 different topics in this program rotate year after after year, so by the time students reach their black belt they've had each topic coming around sveral times. In the long run we will be able to change the children's culture 


August 27, 2013